Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Last day at gymnastics

Hey there!
Yesterday was my last day of gymnastics for the summer. I have a few extra sessions, so mom said we can go a few times in the next few weeks, but not every week. I graduated from the superbeast class and will start the fall in the funny bugs class, where I am in class by myself instead of having mom or dad in there with me. My teacher says I can move up, even though I'm not three yet, because I am so independent. After gymnastics Mom and Zac and I went to Lowe's to order the rails for the deck (or Dad's nemesis, as the case may be) but the guy there said they are going to start carrying them in a couple weeks and will be cheaper to buy then, and Mom is all about cheap. Then we went to Dairy Queen for lunch and ice cream, and I ate two hot dogs and an ice cream. We then went home, had a nap and got up and went to our community pool. Izaac and Mom and I all swam in the baby pool, but I couldn't go to the big pool. Mom says there has to be someone else there to watch Zac if she is going to take me into the big pool. I can't wait till Dad's work week is up, then maybe we can all go to the pool and then I can get in the big pool. It was a great day, and I was happy all day. The day before I had to share Mommy with Zac and Ariadnee (my cousin) and I was bumming pretty much all day, even though I love Ariadnee.
This morning was good too - went out to breakfast with Mom and Dad and Zac and then to preschool for an hour, we made tiny kites to hang on the wall.
Zac is so fussy lately, we are all expecting his two bottom teeth to pop out at any second, but they just haven't done it yet. Not having teeth hasn't stopped him from eating everything Mom and Dad put in front of him - even black beans this morning! He also is pushing the walker across the living room - walking!
Talk again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ain't technology grand??!! This is a great way to keep everyone informed. Thanks for sending along the site. Can't believe how big those kids have gotten.
Bridget McHale