Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Two Months!!!

almost two months have passed since the last blog entry.
The rest of january was fairly uneventful - we are still going to school three times a week, and the good news is that izaac has turned the corner away from the screaming banshee when mom drops him off to the happy kid at school. Mom is SO relieved, she had a hard time with his screaming at school, and making him go - turns out he was just putting on a show. I started piano lessons in january, and i am loving it! I just started learning the white keys this last week, and can play maryhadalittlelamb, and oldmacdonald! I had a speech therapy appointment, because the dentist said i was tongue thrusting and the quick screen with thekaiser speech therapist said i had a "lateral lisp". The full on speech therapist said i had a slight forward lisp, but nothing too worrisome - mom and dad were thrilled, and realized how much they didn't want to have a kid that needed special attention.

In February, our cousin Dante turned 1 and our cousin Ariadnee turned 5. happy birthday to them both. We also made a quick trip to arizona to visit nana, pop, pappy and aunts and uncles as well as grandma and jiddo in tucson. We picked up some furniture and got a new laptop computer while in phx - hauled everything up to colrado with our trailer that we bought when we had to bring dad's motorcycle up. that trailer has already come in handy!

The last couple days have warmed up - it has been a cold winter - high energy bills, but at least better than last winter's blizzards, and now the days are warming. We got out on our bikes (striders) yesterday - I am getting so good at balancing and izaac is slowly getting it too. This spring and summer will be the summer of bikes!

More later - i'll add some pics of the last two months soon!

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