Saturday, August 06, 2005

Trip to th Dentist. yuck.

Yay, the computer is working again, so the pictures from our second camping trip with all the family are up...

So mom took me to the dentist about a week ago, because she has been noticing my two front teeth have been getting grey. This dentist was not a kid's dentist and she said mom needed to take me to a kids dentist because she thought i was loosing my front teeth and i was going to need a baby root canal. mom was worried and felt bad because when i fell and hit my teeth on the bathtub when i was about 14 months old (yes, a LONG time ago), she never took me to the dentist. so off we went to the kids dentist who gave us the good news that my front teeth are fine but need to be watched, and the bad news that i have three cavities that have to be filled. so we are now on a twice a day regime of mama or daddy brushing my teeth, instead of me getting to suck and chew on a toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

Izaac is balancing on his own two feet for up to 3 seconds! he just lets go of what he is holding on to and just stands! Dad is really encouraging him, but mom is more interested in him learning to go backwards down the stairs - which he is actually doing really well.

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