Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Izaac's 1 year stats

Izaac went to the doctor yesterday and came home with four bandaids on his thighs and mommy was really sad.....but she said the doc said he is growing well. He weighs 19.8 lbs (15th percentile) and is 29.5 inches long (25th percentile). So he needs to move to a bigger car seat, but can't quite face forward yet. Mom and dad were excited to hear that he can now eat anything, and not to worry about setting off allergic reactions (mom has always been a little paranoid about this - now she doesn't have to worry about me sharing my peanut butter with him).
This morning we went to visit Anika and her mom Heidi. Anika is about three weeks old now and very cute, but no pictures, mama forgot the camera......
"We" are writing this entry while both zac and i are awake and wanting to touch all the keyboard buttons, so gotta go......

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