Sunday, April 20, 2008

Third Tooth out!

Well, I lost my third tooth last night while i was brushing my teeth. I just went to the dentist on thursday and had my teeth cleaned so it was nice and clean for the tooth fairy.

We have had a busy week. My grandma was in town helping my aunt Nada with her baby since she had shoulder surgery and couldn't lift him for a few days. So we skipped school on monday and visited and again we visited on thursday and then mom had a scholarship interview on friday and mom left us with grandma and aunt nada again. On monday and tuesday we worked on our above ground garden, and then yesterday mom finished it off - it is almost ready for some vegetables - we just have to wait until mid may to plant so they don't freeze.

Yesterday we had breakfast at grandma's with all our cousins and aunts and uncles - it was so fun, we hadn't seen anybody (except aunt nada and cousin dante) for a while and had missed everybody. Then dinner was with our friends sadie and cooper - and their parents - mom and dad's friends - kate and steve. They have one of those huge trampolines and we bounced for hours - which made us fall asleep in an instant last night! Good times!

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