Thursday, September 20, 2007

End of Summer; Izaac is THREE!!!

Well, didn't write in the blog too much this summer, but we sure had a great one!

A few days after the last post, mama got really sick, diarrhea for about a week, and couldn't do much other than the basics. Then mom's friend jenifer had a wedding shower and got married a week later.

On aug 20th we started babysitting my cousins ariadnee and samarah 3 times a week, and that friday, aug 24th we had izaac's 3RD birthday party!!! A week later Izaac had his 3 year check up.. he is in the 16% for height and 69% for weight! And that weekend (labor day weekend) we had a great time camping in the mountains above Boulder. All of this month has been about babysitting three times a week, and all of us (me, izaac and ariadnee) started school after labor day - so tons of driving around, dropping kids off, picking kids up. We try to use the chariot as much as possible, but ariadnee goes to school in boulder and if mom is on her own, she has the 4 kids and uses ariadnee's mom's van.

We went to the zoo last week, and went to a couple parties with mom, and visited our cousin dante, so we still try to make the most of our days off! Mom finished tilling the yard and planted grass seed to fill in the holes, now that it is cooling down. And the pool closed on monday, so now we are on our bikes instead of swimming.

Today we were supposed to babysit, but samarah was sick, so we had an unexpected break - enough to update this blog! Enjoy the pictures!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Izaac! Thanks for the update. Nice cake, mom. We're impressed!