Saturday, April 14, 2007

No more pacifiers and off to Phoenix

What a full week!!!
So when mom went to the dentist, the dentist said it was time for me to come and have my teeth looked at. So mom took me and izaac to the dentist a couple thursdays ago, and the dentist really talked to me hard about giving up my binky. We had been talking about it already at home, so mom decided it was time to give up the binkys. Everyone. So that day izaac and i stopped the binky use cold turkey - it has been 10 days now. We had easter weekend at ariadnee's house, which was a good distraction and didn't use the binkys, and then after 4 full days of no binky, mom threw a big party for us, cake and balloons and friends to celebrate the end of the binky era. Mom for once, was grateful for all the candy in the house - it helped us get through some of the hard times. No time like the present to replace one addiction for another, right? And that night we put the binkys out for the binky fairy, and she left us each a cool present.

That was last monday, then tuesday we started getting ready for vacation. On wed we didn't nap, and went to mcdonalds for dinner as a treat, and then dad drove us kids and the dogs to phoenix - through the night. We did so well!!! Dad was so impressed with us - he told mom i was exceptional. I was helpful and cooperative, and izaac slept most of the time. We made it to phoenix in the morning!

So mom has been home alone for a couple days - she's worked alot, but has also spent some time decorating the house - putting up pictures and stuff. She's enjoying her time alone.

1 comment:

Mama_Nonah's Beans said...

I come in to check on you guys every once in a while. Your blog is so cute!
Congrats on being Binky-Free.
love, Wenonah