Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thawing Out

We finally got into the 50's and 60's over the last couple days - finally warm enough to go into the basement work on the computer for longer than 5 minutes!

January was hibernation month here. We had multiple snow storms, continuing from the december blizzard, and have had so much accumulation that the roads have piles of ice taller than mom along the edges. The last few days have changed that, but looks like more snow is on the way.

Zac and I started school again, and gymnastics and swimming. I am really swimming now - not just floating and kicking. Zac is still really comfortable in the water - he "swims" too, laying down face down in the water and going back and forth from dad to his teacher. He can hold his breath for a long time.
I am learning my letters, and can write my name all by myself. I even wrote the mumber 10 (for 10'o'clock) perfectly in the space where mommy signs Izaac out from his class (she has to sign and time the entry). Izaac is potty training really well. He has been in skivvies at home for a while, but last week they risked taking him out and about with skivvies on instead of a diaper. No public accidents yet!!!! A couple days ago he did pee on the floor again - he was too busy playing and mom got complacent in reminding him to go. Yesterday mom was at the hardware store with him and he said he had to poop and pee, but then he freaked out about doing it in a public bathroom, kept yelling "i want to go home!!!" Mom ended up putting a diaper on him to make it home, and then he really freaked out, but he stayed dry all the way home. Mom is worried now she has scarred him in some aspect of potty training, which will cause long term issues - as freud believed.

Well, nothing else is new around here - mom had a baby party for aunt nada, but she hasn't had her baby yet. She is due day after tomorrow.

Mom took one picture in january (the camera wasn't charged for a long time), so not many pictures to share.
Mom was actually quite busy in january - she was training at work to be a scrub nurse for surgeries in her department, and she spent a lot of time away from home. So now she can be one of the nurses that is part of the surgical team for c-sections and tubal ligations - where she hands the docs the instruments. She ended up making some extra money, so mom and dad finally bought some real living/great room furniture a couple days ago. She has reearranged the furniture in the whole house - dad thinks that is what happens to her when she gets stuck inside for so long. She kind of goes crazy.....

talk to you soon.

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