Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thanksgiving, Wood Floors and Izabel's Stats

Well, of course we have been busy....Thanksgiving was really fun - uncle riyan, aunt anjee, ariadnee and samarah came over and everyone had a great time... and the following weekend we spent the whole weekend away from home while mom and dad started on the floors. We spent all of saturday with ariadnee, and then mom and zac and i spent the night at grandma and jiddo's empty townhouse while dada worked on the floors some more. Then sunday we spent all day with the neighbor kids, and by then mom and dad had layed about 5 linear feet of wood flooring. Not much for two whole days.... they were a little discouraged because right off the bat they were having measurement problems. Mom conceded that dad was right that they should have started on the far wall from the front door, but mom wanted to start at the front door....well they had to shave some pieces down to get it all to work right, but in the end it all worked out and is just fine appearance-wise and structure-wise. Now they have made it in to the dining room, and have maybe a third of the total area left - it went much faster after the kinks were worked out.
Later in the week last week (after thanksgiving) i went to my four year old appointment - i am in the 80% for weight and 60% for height - and doing great everywhere else too. My doc noticed i have a little lisp when i talk, but mom thought it was normal for my age... the doc said i'd probably grow out of it and wasn't too worried either.
I am doing great in school - wrote my whole name for the first time - usually i just write the 'I', but today it was my whole name!!!
And izaac is pooping and peeing in the potty more frequently, but still can't be trusted without a diaper - even though mom lets him run around naked, then he starts to pee, stops himself and finishes in the toilet. She thinks he'll eventually learn that way, but mom and dad just have to have the energy to clean up his accidents and get him to the potty too. He hasn't had a poop accident in a while - he's almost better at realizing he has to poop than realizing he has to pee. Anyway, enough of that talk.....
talk to you soon!

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