Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Naps and night time routines

Since school started, our nap and nighttime routine has been all screwey. Naps are happening later and later, since i don't get out of school till 1215 and then have to have lunch and wind down. Mom likes us to nap by 2pm, so that we wake by 4pm and are still able to go to bed about 8pm. On this day, we didn't take a nap until 330pm, and then didn't go to sleep at night til 10!!! mom was going crazy, and finally shut us in our room and wouldn't let go of the door handle until she didn't hear us moving anymore. Then mom and dad checked on us 15 minutes later and found us asleep on the bean bag together. They thought it was pretty cute and fell in love with us again.....

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