Saturday, December 31, 2005


Hey there everyone....
It has been a long time since the last update. Nana was here for my birthday, and then we got together with mommy's sister nada and her husband tony for thanksgiving - all my other family was in arizona. Mom decided she needed a break from helping me keep this updated and is now feeling a little better since holidays are over and her stress level is less. The weather was so miserable for awhile and nobody was happy being cooped up inside, and then we all got sick in early december, and that didn't help. But after we started feeling better, we really have been having so much fun. We started getting ready for christmas and i was so excited.... we put up our tree (dad was thrilled we bought a prelit fake tree last year) and zac took the ornaments down as fast as we were putting them on. Mom has three shoeboxes of ornaments and after we got the first box on, she said it was enough! It was still beautiful.We put up our stocking and took them down almost everyday to play with them. I tried to put them on and wear them but mom wouldn't let me. Izaac and i got to open our advent calenders everyday - and each door had a piece of chocolate behind it - that was cool. We helped mom mail christmas cards and go shopping. We went to see the festival of lights in louisville (co, not ky) with all my cousins, and then grandma and jiddo came in to town from tucson. We spent time with them and had christmas eve fondue dinner (the day before christmas eve) at their condo with all the ziady cousins and then had christmas eve there too with all the ziady cousins except lara, raja, sammer and tia, since they were at aunty lara's mom and dad's house. A couple nights ago we went with grandma and jiddo to see the zoolights, and izaac rode the carousel for the first time. It has been so fun and so busy and i love it. Mommy says i am a social butterfly because each morning i ask "where are we going today" or "who are we going to see today". But then she still has the hardest time getting me out the door, because i still hate to get dressed. ohwell.
Christmas eve day and christmas day mom felt so blessed because the weather was so great we were playing outside and helping mom and day wash the cars. Mom says she misses tucson christmases.
Tonight is new years eve and i am going to spend the night at grandma's house with all my cousins. Izaac is going to stay home with mom because he still wakes up sometimes at night. Speaking of izaac, he is talking up a storm. He says so many words now. He never really got the hang of signing, but mom says she doesn't care because he can communicate with words. He is so weird for a boy - mom isn't used to a jabbering boy, she is only used to daddy.
well, have fun everyone and happy new year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Izzie (and Mom Maya),
I come and check up on you guys here from time to time. It's lots of fun to look at your photos and see what the latest news is.
Hope you all are well.
Keep up the good Blogging Maya!